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  3. Can I edit the automated email notifications?

Can I edit the automated email notifications?

There are various email notifications that go to the user and/or the Administrator when a listing is submitted or approved. If you would like to update any of the content, simply send us your edits and we will update the templates for you.

Here are the available notification templates for users and Administrators:

Confirmation Email to User

<p>Dear {username},</p>
<p>You’ve been invited to join {site_name} at {site_url}</p>
<p>Please click the following link to activate your user account: {activate_link}</p>
<p>If you do not want to join this site please ignore this email. This invitation will expire in a few days.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>The Team @ {site_name}</p>


<p>Dear {fullname},</p>
<p>Your new account is set up.</p>
<p>You can log in with the following information:</p>
<li>Username: {username}</li>
<li>Password: **For security reasons we do not display your password**</li>
<p>Sign in: <a href=”{login_link}” style=”color:{primary_color};text-decoration:underline;”>{login_link}</a></p>
<p>Thanks! </p>
<p>The Team <a href=”” style=”color:{primary_color};text-decoration:none;”>@ {site_name}</a></p>

Confirm created new listing to Owner

<p>Dear {username},</p>
<p>Your new {new_post_title} listing has been successfully submitted: {post_name}. Please allow 3-4 business days for your submission to be reviewed.</p>
<p>Best Regards, </p>
<p>The Team @ {site_name}</p>

Confirm approved new event to user

<p>Dear {username},</p>
<p>Your event has been approved and published on <a href=”{site_url}”>{site_name}<a>.</p>
<p>You may click here to view your event: <a href=”{event_url}”>{event_title}</a></p>
<p>Questions? Contact: <a href=”mailto:info@createbirmingham.org”>info@createbirmingham.org</a></p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>The Team @ {site_name}</p>

Confirm reject event

<p>Dear {username},</p>
<p>We’re sorry to inform you that your event titled {event_title} has not been approved for the following reasons:</p>
<p>Please note our guidelines for submissions and re-submit! We look forward to sharing your upcoming events with our arts and cultural community.</p>
<p>If you have any questions, please contact: <a href=”mailto:{support_email}”>{support_email}</a></p>
<p>Thank you, </p>
<p>The {site_name} Team</p>

We provide the following reasons for rejecting an event but you can customize this list:

  • Grammar: We found grammatical errors in your post.
  • Description: Your description does not have enough information.
  • Photo: The photo you provided does not meet our style guidelines.
  • Appropriateness: Your event is not appropriate for our users.
  • Location: Your event does not take place within our service area.
  • Duplicate: This event is already on our site.

Forgot Password

<p>Hi {username},</p>
<p>You are receiving this email because you (or someone else) have requested the reset of the password for your account.</p>
<p>Username: {username}</p>
<p>To reset your password, visit the following address: <a href=”{reset_link}” style=”color:{primary_color};text-decoration:underline;”>{reset_link}</a></p>
<p>If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email and your password will remain unchanged.</p>
<p>The Team @ {site_domain}</p>

Notice of Password Change

<p>Hi {username},</p>
<p>This notice confirms that your password was changed on {site_name}.</p>
<p>If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at {admin_email}</p>
<p>The Team at {site_name}</p>
<p><a href=”{site_url}”>{site_url}</a></p>

Here are the available notification templates for Admins:

Confirm new post to Administrator

<p>Dear Administrator,</p>
<p>The following new {new_post_title} listing has been submitted for review and approval: {post_name}</p>

Confirm edited post to Administrator

<p>Dear administrator,</p>
<p>The {new_post_title} listing edited: <a href=”{edit_post_link}” >{post_name}</a> </p>

Editing the “From’ and ‘Reply To’ email addresses

When emails are sent via the server (i.e. forgot/change password, event approval confirmation, tell-a-friend) we have to use a third-party SMTP email provider that can validate the return path of the email being sent. In this case we use Gmail. This validation is necessary to avoid messages going into recipient’s “spam” folders.

In order to validate the “from” and “reply to” address using your own info@ or support@ email address on our server we need to add 5 entries to your site’s domain’s DNS record: 2 MX records, 2 TXT records, and 1 CNAME record.

Note that these 5 additional DNS entries will NOT disrupt your email service for your existing email addresses. These additional entries simply authorize our server to send emails using your info@ or support@ address without those emails being perceived as “spam” and risking non-delivery of those messages.

When we use custom (non-Gmail) accounts on the server, in order to validate them we use a third-party validation service called Mailgun (https://www.mailgun.com/).

Next Steps…

In order to change the ‘from’ and ‘reply to’ email addresses from our Gmail address to your own designated email address, changes need to be made to the DNS records via your domain hosting site.

If you’d like to provide us with a temporary login, we can take care of the configuration for you.

If you prefer to configure these entries yourself, we can send you the information that needs to be added – just let us know your preference.

Questions or suggestions? Contact: networksupport@artsopolis.com

Updated on August 1, 2019

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